LEGION Model Builder Help

Custom Ranges

The following procedures describes how to create new, customised Colour Ranges and Value Ranges for use with Maps, analyses and Entity Colour Schemes.

Creating a Custom Colour Range

This procedure describes how to create a custom Colour Range.

To create a custom Colour Range:

  1. Click or select Analysis > Ranges to display the ‘Edit Data’ dialog.
  2. Select Colour Range from the drop-down list on the left-hand side of the dialog.
  3. Click the New button in the top left-hand corner of the dialog.

    A new Colour Range is added to the left-hand pane and the Properties pane appears on the right-hand side of the dialog.

  4. Type a meaningful name for this new value in the highlighted name box and press Enter.
  5. Click the Add button on the right of the dialog box to add a new colour to the range. Repeat for as many colours as you need.
  6. To change the default name of a colour, double-click to select it, type a new name in its place and press Enter (or simply click outside of that particular cell). Repeat this step for as many colours as you want to rename.
  7. To change the default colour, double-click on the colour to display a drop-down palette of optional colours.
  8. Select a colour from the palette and then click outside of the coloured box to apply the new colour. Repeat this step for as many colours as you want to define.
  9. If you want to add extra colours, remove colours or move them up or down in the list, highlight the relevant colour or colours and click the Add, Remove, Up or Down buttons.
  10. Click Apply or OK to save the new Colour Range.

Creating a Custom Value Range

This procedure describes how to create a new custom Value Range.

To create a custom Value Range:

  1. Click or select Analysis > Ranges to display the ‘Edit Data’ dialog.
  2. Select Value Range from the drop-down list on the left-hand side of the dialog.
  3. Follow steps 3 to 8 of the previous task ("To create a custom Colour Range").
  4. For each bin inside the value range, double-click in its Upper Value column and enter a value. The last bin will always be a ‘catch-all’, which is why a bin is created automatically by the software as having an Upper Value of Infinity.
  5. If you want to add, remove or move bins, highlight the relevant bin or bins and click the Add, Remove, Up or Down buttons. Please note, however, that unlike colour ranges, value ranges are always used in order of Upper Value, so any sorting you do will only change the presentation unless you edit the Upper Values as well.
  6. Click Apply or OK to save the new Value Range.

Creating a Weighted Value Range

This procedure describes how to create a new Weighted Value Range. A Weighted Value Range is one which takes into account different degrees of importance you may wish to apply to certain values. For example, when dealing with density, an Entity's experience of high density (say 2 person/square metre) may be much more important to you than the experience of 0.25 person/square metre). With a weighted value range, you can give this higher level of density a 'weight factor' which will be used when calculating a weighted map.

To create a custom Value Range:

  1. Click or select Analysis > Ranges to display the ‘Edit Data’ dialog.
  2. Select Weighted Value Range from the drop-down list on the left-hand side of the dialog.
  3. Follow steps 3 to 8 of the previous task ("To create a custom Colour Range").
  4. For each bin inside the value range, double-click in its Upper Value column and enter a value. The last bin will always be a ‘catch-all’, which is why a bin is created automatically by the software as having an Upper Value of Infinity.
  5. For each band of your range, set a 'Weight Factor' (double-click in this column and enter a value: the higher the value the more important the band).
  6. If you want to add, remove or move bins, highlight the relevant bin or bins and click the Add, Remove, Up or Down buttons. Please note, however, that unlike colour ranges, value ranges are always used in order of Upper Value, so any sorting you do will only change the presentation unless you edit the Upper Values as well.
  7. Click Apply or OK to save the new Value Range.
If you want to generate a 'Weighted Map', create a custom map but ensure that you choose 'Weighted' as its 'Accumulation Method'. See also GUID-BA36DC58-35B3-4818-B151-E917537D94C5.

Deleting, renaming and copying Colour and Value Ranges

This procedure describes how to delete, rename and copy ranges.

To delete, rename and copy ranges:

  1. Ensure you have either the ‘Edit Colour Range’ dialog or the ‘Edit Value Range’ dialog open.
  2. Click on the range you want to delete, rename or copy.
  3. Click one of the available buttons in the top left-hand corner:
    • Delete – removes the range from the list.
    • Rename – enter the new name into the Edit Name dialog box and click OK.
    • Copy – adds a copy of the range to the list; type a meaningful name for the copied range in the highlighted name box and press Enter.
  4. Click Apply or OK to save your changes.